Check out our worship values and the first steps for those interested in singing, playing an instrument or serving on the sound or AV teams.



This is the hallmark worship value. This value demands that our worship be self-disclosing and vulnerable to God. The Bible is full of accounts of intimate worship. As David looked after the sheep he sang intimate songs to the Lord. He continued when he became king of Israel. The woman in Luke 7 worshipped intimately as she poured perfume on the feet of Jesus.


John 4:24 states that the Father is looking for worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth. This value states that our lives and our expressions of worship ought to be in line with one another. Our corporate worship expression is the overflow of our individual lives lived out in the presence of the Lord. This value asks us to bridge the chasm between the words of our worship and the actions of our daily lives.


In all of the 11 different words in scripture that are translated as “worship” (4 in the Old Testament and 7 in the New), there is an inherent sense of the inferiority of the worshipper to the object of worship; there is a sense of humility. Worship is impossible without humility because it is impossible to worship without recognizing that He is God and we are not. (Heb 12:28, Psalm 95:6)



Do you play an instrument or sing at a professional or semi-professional level?
Have other people often told you that you have a gift for music?
Do you have a desire to use your gift to bless the local church?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, please fill out the Worship Arts Questionnaire below!