Renovate believes strongly in the power of discipleship and, as Dallas Willard calls it, the Renovation of the Heart. As Christians, we must constantly be made new. This is why sharing life with one another is a top priority. Our aim is to be a community of love, to call people consistently to truth, to empower people to be changed and be the change, and to walk with people in every part of their lives. Renovate is not just a place to go once a week. It’s a family.
The story of Jesus is meant to be lived, not just believed.
When you survey the human race, what is your assessment? In what condition do you find the people around you? While there is some beauty and goodness, if we are honest, the scene is pretty dire. We are a broken people. The nightly news is evidence of this fact; it’s mostly the nightly bad news.
But there is good news. There is The Good News. “The Gospel” simply means the good news of the story of Jesus. This story isn’t a fairy tale; Billions of lives have been renovated by embracing it, and that’s why our mission at Renovate Church is to live the story of Jesus. He came to help us live a full life. We have identified six primary areas in which we want to help people experience this fullness: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational and financial. These areas are intertwined, with this first one being central. If we are not spiritually healthy, the other areas will suffer. Even if you aren’t doing well in some of these areas, you can be made new. God can renovate any life. How’s that for good news?!