Renovate Church is all about health! We encourage everyone to practice good habits in all areas: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, and financial. RMA is designed to be a fun, affordable, and effective way to grow in physical health.

Ages 5 years & up
MONDAYS | 6:30 – 7:15 PM & 7:45 – 8:30

7399 S. Tucson Way, Ste B4 | Centennial CO 80112

$10/class for beginners (white – orange belts)
$12 /class for intermediate & advanced (blue belt and above)
+ Uniform purchase | Instructions on how to tie a belt
+ Testing fees

Wear comfortable workout type clothing until you’ve decided to purchase a uniform, and a form of payment (cash/check/venmo).

  • Classes are generally offered based off of age, with the first class including kids in grades K-8, and the second class hosting everyone older than that.
  • Sparring is for yellow belts and above, and is highly encouraged. There is no additional charge (except for buying gear), and it covers the time between classes, from 7:15-7:45.
  • School holidays are observed
  • We follow CCSD cancelations for inclement weather

The main systems RMA will include karate (Hayashi Ha Shito Ryu) and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (coming soon). Renovate will be offering Hayashi Ha Shito Ryu classes, which is a division of karate with a rich history based out of Japan. The current master (Shihan), Kyoshi Luis Gonzalez, is located in San Antonio, Texas, and is a direct teacher of Sensei Roger Hauf. Anyone looking for more information about this division of Karate can find it here.


  • Roger Hauf – 6th-degree black belt
  • Greg Russell – 3rd-degree black belt
  • Riley Russell – 2nd-degree black belt
  • Molly Russell – 2nd-degree black belt

*Exceptions can be made for class divisions as per instructor, parent, and student discretion.