Renovate's Men's and Women's Ministries each have monthly socials.
Check out the Event Calendar for the next one scheduled and/or use the Get Involved link to be a part.
The men of Renovate stand firm in what God tells them. They also know how to have a good time! They have their own groups following service each Sunday, and they get together once a month to hang out, chat about life, and share some great food. A good group of guys is fun, but it’s also an important part of a healthy walk with God. If you don’t have one already, the Renovate men are always ready to welcome another brother in Christ!

Renovate has some incredible women! Whether they’re getting together for groups after service, meeting up for monthly socials, or planning and participating in church-wide events, they’re wonderful examples of God’s love and dedication. If you want to be a part of the fellowship these women share, you are more than welcome to join in on any of these activities! If you would like some accessible, powerful, and unique insight from some of our wise women, you can read some of their thoughts on our Women of Renovate Blog.